Fides, lat: die Saite, die Lyra, das Saitenspiel. Auch u.a.: das Vertrauen, ein Sternbild, ein Asteroid.
In diesem Fall ist „Fides“ das Duo von Anna Neubert (Violine) und Leonhard Spies (Gitarre) das reiselustig zwischen den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen dieser zehnseitigen Besetzung, zwischen Epochen, Stilen und Genres unterwegs ist.
Seit der Gründung des Duos 2014 an der Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln erschließt sich Fides durch Adaptionen und intensive Auseindersetzung äußerst diverse Musik: virtuose Werke von Paganini und Giuliani treffen auf Bearbeitungen der Musik Schuberts und Werke spanischer Komponisten des 20. Jhdts. auf mittelalterliche sephardische Musik.
Zu hören waren und sind diese Programme u.a. beim Festival Bunte Kirchen, im Polnischen Kulturinstitut Düsseldorf, im Beethovenhaus Bonn oder bei der Reihe „Alte Musik zwischen Ost und West“.
Wichtige künstlerische Impulse erhielt Fides durch das Cuarteto Casals und Roberto Aussel.

Anna Neubert's Anna Neuberts first musical activities in Hagen included profound experience in chamber music and orchestral playing as well as her debut as a soloist with the “Philharmonisches Orchester Hagen”. Her professional training as a violinist continued – first as a junior student – with Prof. Gorjan Kosuta and Prof. Susanna Yoko Henkel at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln. She received important inspiration during one year in Paris with Prof. Annik Roussin and in masterclasses with violinists such as Donald Weilerstein, Thomas Brandis, Igor Ozim and Sebastian Hamann.
In 2010 she was selected for a scholarship by the association “Yehudi Menuhin – Live Music Now e.V”, which allowed her to gain experience in developing and performing concerts for a very varied audience.
She won several prices at international competitions like “Internationaler Alois Kottmann Wettbewerb” (Frankfurt) as well as at the “Concours International de Leopald Bellan” (Paris) and most recently in the Boris Pergamentschikow Competition for chamber music (Berlin).
During her Masters studies, with Barbara Maurer, Barnabas Kelemen and David Smeyers, she focused on contemporary music. Anna Neubert ist founding member of Ensemble/Trio uBu and Ensemble electronicID (inter medial music of the 21. century). With soprano Marie Heeschen she is performing in a scenic version of György Kurtag's KAFKA FRAGMENTE.
Already before his studies, guitarist Leonhard Spies gave concerts both national and international, as an ensemble player as well as a soloist.
After successfully winning prices in youth competitions, and supported by the Goethe Institut, he was able to tour to France, Poland, Russia and Singapur.
Since 2014 he holds his Bachelor of Music and continued his studies in a Masters program on classical guitar solo with Prof. Roberto Aussel at the Hochschule für Musik und Kunst Köln, which he finished with best marks in 2016.
An important focus in his artistic work is chamber music with different ensembles
as well as early music and historical instruments.
Through many masterclasses with renowned guitarists like David Russel, Hubert Käppel and Marcin Dylla he could deepen his musical skill and knowledge.
Leonhard Spies plays a Dietmar Heubner guitar, customized in 2015.
Leonhard Spies plays a Dietmar Heubner guitar, customized in 2015.